Crime of Illegal Fishing in Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone in the Perspective of Economic Crime
The losses arising from illegal fishing in Indonesian EEZ are IDR 101,040,000,000. Economic losses related to fisheries resources are a form of violation in the economic field so that it can be included in terms of crime in the economic field. The problems raised in this study include what are the legal consequences of the crime of illegal fishing in Indonesia’s exclusive economic zone and how it is viewed from an economic crime perspective. This study applies a normative juridical method by reviewing the relevant legal materials of legislation and theories to the results of the research as the following: 1) fishing in the area of the Exclusive Economic Zone, based on jurisdictional theory, can be regulated by the Indonesian state as a sovereign coastal country where the regulation is strictly in accordance with Article 5 of the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone Law; moreover, if the obligation to have a Fishing Approval Letter (SIPI) and a Fish-Carrier Ship Approval Letter (SIKPI) is violated, violators will be subject to punishment in accordance with Articles 93, 94 and 94A of Law No. 45 of 2009, 2) losses incurred as a result of the crime of illegal fishing in the Exclusive Economic Zone can be detrimental to the country’s economy in the field of fisheries resources; so, according to the theory of economic approaches and broad economic crime definitions, the crime of illegal fishing in EEZ Indonesia is part of economic crime.
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