The Communication of Cyber Public Relation (CPR) Bureaucracy in the Field of Social Media

Edy Sutrisno, Ismi Dwi Astuti N, Andre Novie Rahmanto


Cyber Public Relations (CPR) bureaucracy is a transformation of public relations by using internet-based communication media due to the technological advancement. The internet communication media has changed, not only as a medium of information but also as a medium of interaction by the presence of social media. However, disinclination from CPR to utilize social media—which holds great potential as a medium of interaction—still exists. The New Media Theory by Mark Poster considers the use of social media using two approaches, namely the approach of social interaction and social integration. By means of literature study, this article seeks at how CPR should be integrated with social media so that it could shape social interaction and social integration.


Cyber Public Relation; Bureaucracy; Social Media

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