Compensation for Land Procurement for the Construction of the Northern Ring Road of Solok City by the Regional Government of Solok

Weri Zakia, Kurnia Warman, Frenadin Adegustara


This study aims to analyze compensation for land procurement for the construction of the northern ring road of Solok City by the Regional Government of Solok. The main approach method used is a research that emphasizes legal aspects by studying primary and secondary legal materials. It will later become a guideline for understanding and analyzing research problems. In addition, an empirical juridical approach is used as a support for the main approach. The results showed that the implementation of land procurement for the northern ring road of Solok City directly between Regional Government Agencies of Solok and landowners or their attorneys was carried out with the release of rights to land, buildings and objects associated with it under the principle of deliberation. It is in accordance with Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 2 of 2012 jo. Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 71 of 2012. Regarding the determination of compensation carried out by means of deliberations between Government Agencies through the Land Procurement Team and landowners and their attorneys, based on the appraisal team’s assessment results, the basis for the assessment is fair replacement value and/or proper and fair replacement. It is in accordance with Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 2 of 2012 concerning Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest and Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 71 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest.


Compensation; Land Procurement; Road Construction

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