Investigation of Guide's Perception and Understanding of Nonverbal behavior employed by Foreign Guesses during transactional Negotiation at Lembar Harbour
The importance of using nonverbal communication (NVC) is as a complement to spoken expressions when especially communicating with people of different background. On one hand, NVC is used to convey meaning in which verbal words can’t convey meaning, and is used to express attitudes and emotions in interpersonal relations. On the other hand, NVC is used to convey intended meaning when the addressor can’t fully understand against the addresse with different socioculture. Since NVC is very important in conversation particularly when communicating with foreigners. Therefore, this study concerns with guide’s understanding and perception on NVC in transactional negotiation. The paper used quailitative and quantitative research trying to see the common forms of NVC expressed by two sides. The sample is all guides and is taken from the field in which conversation takes place. This research used observation to see actual data of on going discourse and used camera recorder to see the common NVC employed by guides and foreign guesses and asking guide’s understanding through questionnaires and perception through interview. The result showed that most of guides about 90% understand the basic forms of NVC such as head nodding and shaking, hand shaking, finger sign and eye contact while other forms, 73% of guides doesn’t understand nonverbal sign used by guesses during conversation, and about 89 % of them said that the involvement of Nonverbal Communication is very important to bridge words and lack of vocabulary. However, because majority of them lack of knowledge on nonverbal signs leads them to ignore such things.
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