Rimpu: An Overview of Symbolic Meaning

Suryani Octavianingsih


The paper is aimed at describing the symbolic meaning of Rimpu [ways of covering the head and face] as a cultural identity of female in Bima community. There are numerous ways of rimpu: Rimpu Mpida [smallest covering], Rimpu Cili [hiding cover] and Rimpu Colo [slight covering]. Rimpu Mpida [smallest covering] is usually worn by unmarried women, while Rimpu Colo [slight covering] is worn by married women. The methods used in this study were interviews with Bimanese natives and library research describing the symbols in the ways rimpu is worn. The study found that numerous symbols and meanings of Rimpu for married and married women and they also represent woman’s position, status and roles within the society.


Symbolic Meaning; Woman; Culture; Clothes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.864


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