Improving Students’ Preparedness toward Earthquake Disasters through Multimedia at SMAN 1 Meulaboh
This study aim to explore students’ preparedness at SMAN 1 Meulaboh in facingearthquake disasters through multimedia. This study applied a quantitative approach with a confirmatory method.This research took place at senior High School 1 Meulaboh whilethe population was 127 students representing of X class, XI class, XII classfor all majors. The data collected through the questionnaire method obtained from students and it was carried out intwo phases; pre-test instrument and post-test instrument in graph form.The analyze data used SPSS (Statistical Product Service Solutions) software. The results showed that (1) SMAN 1 Meulaboh is a high category school of preparedness score. (2) The students’ knowledge, attitudes, feelings, actions, and responsibilities, levels of difficulty, generality, and strength increased. Therefore, this study confirmed thatthe students’ preparedness improved in facing earthquake disasters after learning (post test) than before learning (pre test), especially in school.
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