Teachers' Perspectives of Difficulties Face Teaching English Language as a Foreign Language at the Intermediate Schools
The study attempts to determine the most influential difficulties that face Iraqi-English teachers as they have experienced through teaching process and the extent to which the variable of gender could influence teachers’ perspectives toward the difficulties of teaching. A sample of (34) intermediate-school teachers were chosen randomly from different schools at Al-Karkh side of Baghdad city. A questionnaire of (37) items was administered to the study sample to collect the needed data. SPSS software version (20) was run to analyze the collected data. The findings of study revealed that there is no statistically significant difference between male and female teachers at the level (a=0.05) in their perspective toward the difficulties in teaching English. Additionally, the most influential difficulties encounter Iraqi-English teachers are the scarcity of equipment and facilities and difficulties with students. The study came out with a number of recommendations.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.844
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