Web-based Information Openness to Increasing Political Participation in Indonesia
This qualitative research aims to describe the use of web-based information disclosure to increase political participation in Indonesia. Technological advancements make it easier for the Indonesian people to understand political participation. Jari Ungu is a web-based communication media created to recognize legislators in 2014-2019, government regulations, governor and legislative candidates for 2019-2024. Data is taken through a literature study of 10 articles related to political participation. The researchers also collaborated with five participants aged 18-25 years, five participants aged 30-40 years, five participants aged 50-60 years and three legislative candidates for interviews live in Jakarta. The results of the study indicate that web-based can improve political participation in Indonesia. In addition, Jari Ungu as a web-based provides convenience to the public in recognizing legislative members as well as prospective legislative members. Jari Ungu also provides an opportunity for the public to oversee every policy and regulation made by legislative members and governors in various provinces in Indonesia. Even though 10 from 40 participants didn’t know about Jari Ungu. This research can be used as a source of information for socialization to the community in areas related to web-based political participation education. It is the legislative members they choose.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.820
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