Effectiveness of Performance of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly in Supervision of Distribution of Social Aid Funds in Denpasar City Community
This research is a qualitative research with the intention of obtaining a description of the evaluation of the working effectiveness of the DPRD in the distribution of social assistance funds to the community in Denpasar City. The data analysis technique used is by collecting data, compiling data, presenting data, drawing conclusions and suggestions. Finding the best conclusions is subsequently realized as input.
The research allocation is at the Denpasar City DPRD office which is located at Jalan Melati Denpasar - Bali. With the following considerations: the number of problems that arise because the DPRD is where the people's voice is accommodated. DPRD is the supervisor of the performance of the executive. Because executives have the duty to channel grants and social assistance funds to the community. Human resources are championed and there are many there. The results of the study indicate that good cooperation between the executive and the legislature is very necessary.
Because after all the fate of the community is in the hands of these two institutions. All obstacles must be found out because the problem is that social assistance is a very sensitive issue. Many problems often arise from channeling social assistance funds.Keywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.811
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