Investigation of Flash Flood Threats Using Spatial Data in Lawe Sigala-gala District, Southeast Aceh District, Aceh

Suci Ananda, Azmeri Azmeri, Nizamuddin Nizamuddin


Flash floods are floods with very large water discharge that comes suddenly. In 2017, Lawe Sigala-gala District, including areas affected by flash flood in Central Aceh District, needs to be done by researching maps of potentially flood-prone areas. The study was conducted using DESKTOP ArcGIS software with a scoring method and weighting of parameters. The threat parameters are 6 parameters and the score given to each parameter has an interval of 5 with a low, rather low, medium, rather high, and high class. Based on the calculation results, the study location consisted of 3 flash flood threat classes namely low class covering Lawe Deski sub-watershed, medium class covering Lawe Tua Makmur sub-watershed, Suka Jaya sub-watershed, Lawe Rakat sub-watershed and Tanoh Alas sub-watershed, and high class covering Bukit Sub-watershed Independent. The threat of flash flood in this sub-district is influenced by land use. This is due to the uneven distribution of the population that is a settlement in this sub-district.


Flash Floods; Threats; Vulnerabilities; Risks; Geographic Information Systems

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