Management Achievement Coached Badminton Club Klaten Districts 2019th
This study aims to determine the achievement of badminton coached management in Klaten district. The method used in this research is quantitative methods. The instruments used were tape recorder, supporti by documents such as camera and a questionnaire. The data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The technique of data analysis was done descriptively. Subject of the research includes administration, coaches, badminton athletes in Klaten district. The result showed by the administrator, coaches and athletes in Klaten district are 78.18% qualified as "good" with details of: (1) the organizational structure of Klaten badminton club is very good with a percentage of 86.67%. Most of the Klaten district badminton club administrators have been formed and collaborated in accordance with their respective duties. (2) The Klaten baok badminton club recruitment system with a percentage of 75.91%. (3) Management of good funding sources with a percentage of 77.64%. Finance is quite good because it is carried out independently by collecting contributions every month from athletes. (4) Facilities and infrastructure are good with a percentage of 74.77%. The training center is not your own and still uses the contribution system. Exercise equipment is incomplete, still hiring fitness equipment (5) Exercise program and achievements are very good with a percentage of 80.91%. The training program is carried out according to the conditions at that time, the exercise is held 3-5 times each week, holding a try out or taking part in a championship in Solo Raya.The conclusion of this research is management coached run badminton clubs in Klaten district in 2019 either.
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