Leader's Influence and Communication Styles on the Culture of Innovation in FIFGROUP
This papers learn about leadership dan communication styles on the culture of innovation in FIFGROUP, The leader are be visionary, competence, be able ti influence team for innovation and encourage his team and make effectivelly communications to take part in the organization. Indicator Success an organization when the leader walk the talk, able to effective communication, has contibution performance, focus to innovation process and be role model as part of the innovation culture organization.
When Organization face the problem about innovation, innovation is suck and useless for another subordinat buat for company innovation is must be create. Case Study in (PT. FEDERAL INTERNATIONAL FINANCE) FIFGROUP one of member Astra International very interesting because in FIFGROUP on of Astra International member focus on innovation but innovation not yet a part of daily task and performance. Success Indicator function leader as role model is important thing, internalization Values, mindset inovation is important to make FIFGROUP sustainability, effective Communication and sense or urgency when organization face the problem and able love change in era digital.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i6.796
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