Exploring Learners’ Perceptions and Experiences of Native English Speakers’ Roles in Learning Process: A Case Study at Dila Samawa English Club Sumbawa Besar
This current study focused on exploring the learners’ perceptions and experiences of native-English speakers’ roles in the learning process. This exploration was guided by the following questions: (1) What are the learners’ perceptions and experiences of native-English speakers’ roles in the learning process? (2) How do the learners perceive and experience native-English speakers’ roles in the learning process? A case study method was employed. The participants were all of the English learners who continuously joined Dila Samawa English Club in Sumbawa Besar. To collect the data, three techniques were employed: observation, interview, and documentation. The process of the interview was audio-recorded. Meanwhile, field note was used during the observation. Documentations were in the form of the learning activities document. The results of the study showed that the learners’ perceptions of native-English speakers’ roles in the learning process could be categorized into a number of terms, including the natural exposure, the place for practicing English conversation, competence in teaching, and teaching strategy. Meanwhile, the learners’ experiences fell into authentic learning, good creators in the teaching method, and good learning motivators. Essentially, those perceptions and experiences were considered very helpful to stimulate learners’ willingness and efforts to learn English, especially build up the learners’ confidence and enthusiasm in using English in real life situation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.772
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