Juridical Analysis of Partner Liabilities in Bankruptcy Process at CV Agro Sawita Mandiri Perkasa
According to the juridical analysis of partner liabilities in bankruptcy process at CV Agro Sawita Mandiri Perkasa, the Director of CV Agro Sawita Mandiri Perkasa had postponed the payment of debts that have been due. It aimed to determine the judge’s consideration in making bankruptcy decisions and partner liabilities. This paper applies a normative juridical writing method. In addition, it draws the conclusion that the commercial court had obtained facts or circumstances which were simply proven that the requirement to declare bankruptcy, as stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) of the UUK-PKPU, had been fulfilled. Therefore, related to Article 8 paragraph (4), the judge must grant the bankruptcy petition. Partner liabilities, in the case of bankruptcy, mean that unlimited partner is liable for receivables to personal assets. An unlimited partner, who invests capital in partnership and involves personal property, is included the act of making an agreement. Moreover, if the limited partner participates in an agreement and action that can be equated with the unlimited partner, as what is stipulated in Article 21 of KUHD, the limited partner must also be liable to personally bear all CV debts in solidarity.
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Decision No.07/Pdt.Pailit/2015/PN.Mdn Tahun 2015 on behalf of Muhammad Yakub.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.771
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