Implementation of Learning Methods and Levels of Self Regulated Learning in Writing
The research approach used by researchers is a quantitative approach. This study aims to examine whether there are differences in English text writing skills of students who learning using CIRC and PWIW learning methods as well as Students with high and low levels of Self-Regulated Learning. The sample in this study were the 80 seventh grade learners of MTsN 1 Palangkaraya, Central Borneo, Indonesia, in 2018/2019 academic year involved in this study. They then were divided into two classes randomly sampled to be the experimental group and the control group. Data analysis using the independent sample t test. The research findings obtained the pretest value showed no difference in students 'writing skills learned by the CIRC method (68.525) and PWIW (70.525) while the posttest value test showed that there were differences in the students' writing skills learned by the CIRC method more higher equal to 79.20 compared to PWIW amounted to 69.52. The findings of the study show that students with low self-regulated learning have a higher value of English text writing skills 84.58 compared to students with high self-regulated learning at 74.33.
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