Illocutionary Speech Acts Use by Jokowidodo in First Indonesia Presidential Election Debate 2019

Ahmad Zuhri Rosyidi, Mahyuni Mahyuni, Muhaimi Muhaimi


This research was descriptive qualitative research. It is aimed to classify the types of illocutionary use by Jokowidodo in first Indonesia presidential election debate 2019. It used a descriptive qualitative method by watching the debate, collecting data from the debate with references to the linguistics of theories derived from related literature sources. The data in this study was in the form of a speech used by Jokowidodo in Indonesia presidential election 2019 debate which contains elements of illocutionary speech acts. Based on the analysis, a number of things can be concluded. The writer found and analyzed 13 data of illocutionary acts. In this research, the writer has data on illocutionary acts which are used by the presidential election debate 2019, those are data 6 data was included to Assertive Illocutionary Speech Act, 3 data was Directive Illocutionary act, 3 data was Expressive Illocutionary Speech Act, and 1 data was Commissive illocutionary speech acts.


Indonesia Presidential Election Debate; Speech Act; Illocutionary

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