Effect of Bank Commitment, Bank Communication and Handling Customer Complaint on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk of Mojopahit Mojokerto Sub-Branch Office
This research aims to analyze the effect of bank commitment, bank communication, and handling customer complaint on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. This is a correlational research that uses a quantitative approach by applying SEM (Structural Equation Model) analysis. The research sampling used a purposive sampling technique that obtained 156 samples from customers. The results of this research include: 1) CR value between Bank Commitment and Customer Satisfaction is 3.469; 2) the CR value between Bank Commitment and Customer Loyalty is 2017; 3) the CR value between Bank Communication and Customer Satisfaction is 3.318; 4) CR value between Bank Communication and Customer Loyalty is 2.494; 5) CR value between Handling Customer Complaint and Customer Satisfaction is 2.322; 6) CR value between Handling Customer Complaint and Customer Loyalty is 2.365; 7) CR value between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty is 2.414; 8) the estimate value of direct effect of Bank Commitment on Customer Loyalty is 0.193; 9) the estimate value of direct effect of Bank Communication on Customer Loyalty is 0.251; 10 the estimate value of direct effect of Handling Customer Complaint on Customer Loyalty is 0.224. The conclusion of this research is that all variables have significant effect.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i2.756
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