Effect of Bank Commitment, Bank Communication and Handling Customer Complaint on Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk of Mojopahit Mojokerto Sub-Branch Office

R. Sapto Roedy Widijanto, Basuki Rachmat


This research aims to analyze the effect of bank commitment, bank communication, and handling customer complaint on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. This is a correlational research that uses a quantitative approach by applying SEM (Structural Equation Model) analysis. The research sampling used a purposive sampling technique that obtained 156 samples from customers. The results of this research include: 1) CR value between Bank Commitment and Customer Satisfaction is 3.469; 2) the CR value between Bank Commitment and Customer Loyalty is 2017; 3) the CR value between Bank Communication and Customer Satisfaction is 3.318; 4) CR value between Bank Communication and Customer Loyalty is 2.494; 5) CR value between Handling Customer Complaint and Customer Satisfaction is 2.322; 6) CR value between Handling Customer Complaint and Customer Loyalty is 2.365; 7) CR value between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty is 2.414; 8) the estimate value of direct effect of Bank Commitment on Customer Loyalty is 0.193; 9) the estimate value of direct effect of Bank Communication on Customer Loyalty is 0.251; 10 the estimate value of direct effect of Handling Customer Complaint on Customer Loyalty is 0.224. The conclusion of this research is that all variables have significant effect.


Commitment; Communication; Customer Complaint; Loyalty; Customer Satisfaction

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i2.756


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