Study of Preparedness for the Aceh Disaster Management Agency in theof the Tsunami Disaster in Aceh Province

Muhammad Harits, Rini Safitri, Nizamuddin Nizamuddin


After the 2004 earthquake and tsunami in Aceh it changed the Indonesian government's perspective on disaster management in this country. In the past the government only reacted during emergency response and rehabilitation. However, after the tsunami in Aceh 2004, the government changed its mindset in terms of disaster management in Indonesia. After the issuance of Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management, the government then issued Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2008 concerning the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). With the issuance of the Law and PERPRES it is hoped that disaster management activities in Indonesia can be carried out effectively and efficiently. BPBA is a working unit of Aceh that is formed to carry out tasks and functions in the context of disaster management in Aceh. BPBA with all its limited capacities starting from its establishment on June 22, 2010 has made every effort to carry out its main tasks and functions in carrying out disaster management services. This research was carried out in the Aceh Province with the scope of this research focused on analyzing human resource preparedness at the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA). This study uses descriptive research methods with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data obtained through questionnaires and interviews will be used to explain the results obtained in this study. The population involved in this study were all human resources at the Aceh Disaster Management Agency, which amounted to 108 people. Of the total population, the number of respondents involved in data collection amounted to 52 people. Preparedness of BPBA employees in tsunami disaster management activities is ready, the results are based on measurements of variables of knowledge, attitudes, policies and guidelines, emergency response plans, tsunami early warnings and the level of preparedness of employees who are very ready to tackle tsunami disasters need to increase intensity and training continuously.


Aceh Disaster Management Agency; Preparedness; Tsunami

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