Certainty of Legal Distribution of Inheritance through Grants (Study in Dompu District, Dompu Regency)
This study aims to analyze and examine the factors that influence the distribution of inheritance through grants in Dompu District, as well as reviewing the legal certainty of inheritance distribution through grants in Dompu District.
The results of the study show that: Factors that influence the distribution of inheritance through grants to the Dompu Sub-District Community are Concern Factors of family conflict, Economic Factors and Efforts to protect the absolute part of the heirs. In terms of the distribution of inheritance through grants to the Dompu Subdistrict community, there is no legal certainty, that with empirical facts on the people of Dompu Subdistrict, there are still many inherited disputes from heirs after the parents as heirs die. began on some heirs who did not have good intentions and denied the results of the agreement in terms of the distribution of inheritance through grants agreed together by all heirs, which is a customary practice from generation to generation in the Dompu community, then the heirs demanded back in share based on Islamic inheritance law, under the pretext that if a family (Islam) has two laws that apply such as customary law and Islamic law, then as long as the community must obey and comply with the provisions of Islamic law as well. If the heirs still cannot agree and feel an objection regarding the inheritance given by the heir by means of the heir’s gift during his lifetime, then it can be resolved through the Religious Court. This is in accordance with Article 49 of Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning the Religious Courts. But these things affect the harmony and division within the family. That from the results of research on inheritance events in the Dompu community.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i2.741
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