Potential Effects of Disruptive Political Trends in International Tourism Market

Ali Öztüren, Ksenia Sumaneeva, Maxim Gashenenkov, Maral Meredova


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the prospective effects of the latest political incidences on the international tourism market. In this context, the arguments are based on the implications of the USA elections and the Brexit. The methodology of this paper comprises the discussion of the debates related to the recent political experiences. International tourism activities cannot be isolated from the political environment. It is clear that the new political incidences will require novel insights and strategies in conducting international tourism business globally. This paper provides a viewpoint of the today’s political scenarios that will certainly affect the international tourism market. It can be used to comprehend insights that can be used to plan the tourism futures.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v4i2.71


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