Study of Community Capacity Enhancement in Fire Disaster Mitigation in Kuta Alam Sub-District, Banda Aceh
Kuta Alam Subdistrict is one of the subdistricts in the Banda Aceh city that has a risk of fire disasters. This is because this area is a residential area with a moderate category. Semi-permanent buildings and temporary constructions are still at high risk of fire often found in the area. Based on the results of interviews with the Banda Aceh Fire and Rescue Service, there were 27 fire incidents from 2014 to 2017, of which 12 houses were burned down, 2 schools, 3 office units, and 10 other public facilities affected by the fire. This research is needed to improve the ability of people to prevent and protect themselves, especially in pre-disaster conditions so that they can reduce the fire incidence. The community capabilities in fire disaster mitigation are the methods used in this study. Subdistrict consist of optimizing land use in city development, minimizing street parking, increasing green open space, increasing the ability of water sources and wet towel / clothes as a method of fire outage if there is a small fire at home, access information about procedures for firing and providing early warning, and must be able to evacuate to the designated location.
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