The Influence of Environmental Knowledge on Green Purchase Intention the Role of Attitude as Mediating Variable

Ida Ayu Debora Indriani, Mintarti Rahayu, Djumilah Hadiwidjojo


This study aims to investigate relational relationship between Environmental Knowledge, Green Brand Image, Attitude towards green products, and Green Purchase Intention in increasing interest in buying environmentally friendly body care and cosmetic products. The analysis technique used is Quantitative Analysis. The research samples were students in State Universities in Manado, Indonesia who have the intention to buy The Body Shop products. The analysis tool used is Smart PLS. The findings of this study signify that Environmental Knowledge have no significant direct effect on consumers’ Green Purchase Intention. More important, Attitude is found to have a full mediation effect on the relationship of Environmental Knowledge and green Purchase Intention.


Environmental Knowledge; Green Brand Image; Green Purchase Intention

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