“Manṭiqat al-Firāq”; A Shīʽī Economic Theory
“Manṭiqat al-Firāq”, a Shiite economic theory, points to an area in religion without a biding legal statement. This theory was presented by S.M.B. al-Ṣadr in his book Our Economy. According to the theory, religion has allowed the Islamic ruler to lay down rules and regulations in certain social matters, taking into account the rules and according to the needs of time. In his book, Ṣadr divides the economic school of Islam into two parts: The part Islam has laid down its laws and rules, and so they are unchangeable. The part Islamic State is responsible to determine the laws and it must lay down the law and order with regard to the needs of time. The latter has been called “Manṭiqat al-Firāq” by him, arguing the Prophet (PBUH) used to perform it as well and made legislations as the ruler of the society (not as the Prophet). In his opinion, this type of Prophet's laws is not permanent and stable in the Islamic school of thought. The present paper aims to review the theory and analyze Islamic scholars’ opinions concerning it. There are defenses and criticisms about the theory; e.g. some argue this theory expresses appropriate materials for treating both governmental and non-governmental narratives, but does not provide a criterion for separating them from each other. His evidences to prove the theory and his claims of contradictory between the theory and Qur’anic verses and narratives claiming the comprehension of Islam and its decrees, have been also criticized, which here fall at glance and discussion.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i3.688
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