The Designing Syllabus in Teaching Writing Narrative Text Putri Mandalika at MA Central Lombok
Talking about syllabus, each school must have got it based its subject matter. It is generally translated from the curriculum each school unit own. Type of the syllabus each school unit chooses depends on the learning approach it uses. English learning approach used at MA level in the context of School-based. Relating to what Fraenkel and Wallen state of steps in a qualitative research, the researcher identified the phenomenon to be investigated and it was the need of syllabus for the teaching narrative text Putri Mandalika folklore. The researcher collected data through observation, field notes, literature study, interview, and questionnaire. The researcher then analyzes the data and he then formulates the product as the implementation of his interpretation and conclusion of the data. Syllabus is inseparable from language teaching program. It is required not only by the teachers but also the students. For the teachers, a syllabus (i) serves as a guide to select or create appropriate learning materials for their student; (ii) provides a planning and communication tool with which to set realistic expectation for teachers and their students; (iii) organizes their thoughts and their approach to the subject; and (iv) helps them and their students to stay focused on the course objectives and exit outcomes
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