Institutional Evolution of Bawaslu in Indonesia Election Supervision 2003–2017
The 2003–2017 period is a crucial phase in understanding the institutional evolution of the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), considering that this period became an arena for the consolidation of election supervision in Indonesia which aims to support democracy after the 1998 Reformation. Reformation not only ended the authoritarian regime, but also started a transition democracy that demands the strengthening of fair and transparent electoral institutions. In this context, independent and effective election supervision is a necessity that cannot be ignored. This period reflects the institutional transformation of Bawaslu from an ad hoc entity with limited authority to a permanent institution that has a strategic function in ensuring election integrity. Free and fair elections are not only a marker of procedural democracy, but are also the main pillar of government legitimacy. Therefore, strengthening Bawaslu is not only related to the technical efficiency of supervision, but also to the stability of democracy itself.
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