Reason Behind Teaching Philosophical Mindset to Teachers Given the of Philosophical Mindset Aspects
Mindful people make wise decisions in scientific, economic, political, social and religious fields and are far from stagnation, deviation and petrification; however, people without a philosophical mind who live solely by using memory, relying on past methods and without thinking cannot analyze situations and choose the best way. Any activity of a teacher in the classroom is formed from a kind of philosophical insight. In every aspect of education, there is an implicit or explicit theory that stands between the teacher and the work he does (Bagheri, 2019). However, this influence on the teacher's work process may not be visible to the teacher himself. Today's educational systems must train forces who are capable of understanding the complex world and are creative and innovative in managing and leading it. Therefore, training thoughtful and creative people requires its own methods. Education can provide a suitable platform and situation for this. In today's world, education in schools must support both self-directed learning and reflection, criticism, and creative thinking in order to fulfill its mission. In this study, the method of document analysis and conceptual analysis was used, and among the three types of analytical methods, which are concept interpretation, conceptualization, and evaluation of concept structure, the concept interpretation method was used. The findings of this study showed that explaining and teaching philosophical mindset and its components among teachers strengthens and develops their capabilities, as a result of which this issue is spread among students.
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