The Termination and Inter-Time Replacement of Regional House of Representatives Leader of Mentawai Island Regency
This study will describe the mechanism of leader termination and the implementation of inter-time leader replacement of the leader of Mentawai Island Regency’s Regional House of Representatives (RHoR). The research method used in this study is Sociological Juridical method with descriptive as the research design. In this case, there are two kinds of data which will be analyzed qualitatively, i.e. primary and secondary data. For the data collection, interview and documentation study are conducted. The results of this study are: 1) the mechanism of RHoR leader termination is proposed by political party to the leader of RHoR, 2) the mechanism of proposing the candidate of RHoR leader replacement is proposed by political party to RHoR leader, and then the RHoR leader announces the proposed of RHoR leader candidate replacement in RHoR plenary meeting, 3) the implementation of inter-time replacement is inaugurated by Governor with a Letter of Governor Decree about the inauguration of hiring the candidate of RHoR leader replacement. In this case, the term of office of RHoR leader’s inter-time replacement will be started from the date of taking leader’s oath led by District Court leader or the vice leader of District Court or senior judge chosen by the leader of District Court. On the other hand, the guide of taking the oath for the RHoR Leader’s inter-time replacement is not regulated in the Code of Conduct of Mentawai Island Regency’s RHoR; therefore, the guide of taking oath for the RHoR Leader’s inter-time replacement can be led by another RHoR leader.
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Internet, accessed on June 5, 2018
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