The Development of Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in Healthy Lifestyle Teaching Materials for Senior High School Students
Hery Prasetyo, Agus Kristiyanto, Muchsin Doewes
Technological development is highly needed to support education in this modern era. It makes the learning objectives are achieved maximally. Therefore, learning media is one of the success factors of the learning process that has to be considered in all subjects. Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) subject also needs innovative learning media to gain students’ interest in learning and understanding the material. The purpose of the research is to analyze the Android-based mobile learning application that is produced to support the aforementioned subject. This research is a development research that produces a learning media in healthy lifestyle teaching materials in Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) subject at senior high school. The result shows that the overall aspects percentage of material expert validation is 73.61% with feasible criteria. The overall aspects percentage of media expert validation is 68.75% with feasible criteria. The overall aspects percentage of practitioner expert validation is 90,00% with very feasible criteria. The percentage of students’ assessment through small group tests for all aspects is 81.60% with very feasible criteria. The percentage of students’ assessment through large group tests for all aspects is 83.92% with very feasible criteria. The result of the test shows that the mean score of experimental class is 82.97, and the control class is 78.11. The conclusion of the research shows that the development of Android-based mobile learning media product is feasible to be utilized in Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK) learning process. The product of the development of Android-based mobile learning media is also effective to improve student learning outcomes.
Mobile Learning; Learning Media; Healthy Lifestyle
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