Embodiment of Rhetorical Moves in Abstracts of the Financial-economic Sciences: A Genre Analysis
Within some discourse communities, academics now primarily disseminate academic information through research articles (RAs). For inexperienced authors, especially those who do not speak English as their first language, producing a research article suitable for publishing in an academic journal might be difficult. The ultimate purpose of this pedagogically driven project was to give ESL/EFL postgraduate students in financial-economic sciences the foundation for a genre approach to academic writing. In line with a genre-based perspective, the study examined the rhetorical structure of English language RAs—Abstract—sections that were published in international journals in the financial-economic sciences. First, RA move structures were determined using Swales' (2004) genre-based approach. The current study's findings shed light on the significance of RAs' knowledge of genre norms and their use of rhetorical structure. This knowledge may make it easier for new authors and graduate students to produce research articles that will be published. The current study investigates the educational effects of a syllabus that combines the results of the two research approaches.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i1.6506
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