Biomechanical Analysis and Optimization of Athlete Performance through Sepak Takraw Sports Movement Evaluation

Muhammad Tegar Wilaksana, Rizki Mulyawan, Eka Swasta Budayati


Biomechanics is a very important field in sports because it provides in-depth insight into technique, movement efficiency, and athlete safety. In sepak takraw, which requires a combination of high speed, flexibility, agility, and accuracy, biomechanical evaluation plays a very crucial role in optimizing athlete performance while reducing the risk of injury. This study aims to evaluate and analyze movements in sepak takraw. This study uses the SLR method by systematically analyzing various scientific publications from national and international journals to find strategies for optimizing athlete performance based on biomechanical principles. The results of the study indicate that biomechanics can improve sepak takraw athlete performance through optimizing key movements, such as smash, serve, and block. Better technique not only improves movement efficiency but also helps prevent injuries due to excessive pressure on joints and muscles. These findings provide practical implications for coaches and athletes in designing more scientific, effective, and safe training programs. Understanding biomechanical principles allows for better technique improvement and injury prevention, which can improve performance in competition.


Biomechanics; Sepak Takraw; Performance; Movement Evaluation

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