Differentiated Instruction in Indonesian Language Subjects at Inclusive High Schools
This study aims to describe the understanding, implementation, perceptions, supporting factors, and challenges in the application of differentiated learning in inclusive schools for the Indonesian Language subject. This research is a qualitative study conducted at MAN 2 Sleman and SMAN 2 Ngaglik Sleman from June to October 2024. The research subjects include Indonesian Language teachers and students involved in differentiated learning. The instruments used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results show that teachers have a good understanding of differentiated learning, with adjustments to methods, materials, and assessments according to students' needs, especially for those with special needs. Supporting factors for success include diagnostic assessments, technology, and flexible classroom management. However, challenges exist, such as limited learning media and teaching method adaptation. Differentiated learning proves to be effective, but it requires additional resource support and further training for teachers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i2.6487
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