Academic Resilience in Student Survivors of HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) at Victory Plus Foundation Yogyakarta
This study aims to explore academic resilience in students with HIV/AIDS, through analyzing the aspects of academic resilience and the factors that influence it. This research used a qualitative approach with a case study method. Four students with HIV/AIDS from Victory Plus Foundation Yogyakarta who met the criteria were selected as research participants. Data were collected through in-depth interviews validated by triangulation and member checking. The results showed that although the students initially experienced a decrease in interest, motivation, and enthusiasm for learning after learning their HIV status, they still showed good academic resilience. Support from friends, family, and Victory Plus Yogyakarta Foundation were the main factors that helped them overcome academic challenges. Perseverance, social support, and the ability to manage negative emotions are the main keys to their resilience. The Victory Plus Foundation plays an important role in providing social and psychosocial support, which encourages students to remain resilient. Factors that influence academic resilience include internal factors such as optimism and perseverance, and external factors such as social support from family and friends.
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