Visionary Leadership in Stabilizing Online Driver’s License Services
The progress of programs and innovations in an institution, one of which is determined by the leader's policy and the leader has a leadership style. The leadership style that is owned will affect the final result of the policy that will or has been issued. This research aims to find out the competence of the Polda Metro Jaya Driver's License Section Personnel and how a leader applies a visionary leadership style to stabilize Driver’s License Online services. The research used qualitative methods by applying data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the competence of Driver's License Section personnel has not been maximized, especially on the information technology side. Meanwhile, visionary leadership has not been fully implemented both in terms of exemplary, opportunities to innovate and in providing encouragement. For this reason, it is necessary to increase efforts by means of mental coaching, education and training in attitudes and behavior, leadership training programs such as ESQ, NAC, MTL and IPS training periodically, increasing the professionalism of leaders through education and training.
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