Head Line and Critical Comments from Netizens on the Politics and Economy News detik.com

Edy Prihantoro, Didin Mukodim, Dwi Asih Haryanti


The political and economic reality that is chosen to be a news, will be interesting if delivered with the right headline. A firm and straightforward headline is more interesting to read by netizens. Headlines that are piercing direct netizens to immediately read the news in the media. Besides headlines, critical comments from netizens in the detik.com online mass media comments column have high attractiveness and attention from netizens. Interesting headlines and netizen comments can influence readers to be interested in reading poetic and economic news on online mass media. This study uses quantitative methods with an explanatory approach using survey methods to obtain data. Data analysis techniques in this study use multiple linear regression analysis. With an unknown number of population, so the sample obtained based on calculations with an error rate of 1% to 96 people with the Lemeshow formula. In this study uses the uses and gratification theory because this theory explains that media users have certain needs that encourage the use of media (uses) to obtain satisfaction (gratification). Also using the S-O-R theory which explains stimuli or messages conveyed to communicants may be accepted or may be rejected. Communication will take place if there is attention from the communicant. The results showed that netizens' critical headlines and comments both had a significant influence on the interest in reading political and economic news in detik.com online media. Interest in headlines and comments on detik.com turned out to be a great attraction for readers to read and see more in a news story presented by detik.com. Readers or netizens will get the information needed and there is the influence of other readers (netizens) who can influence to follow the news presented by detik.com online media. The diversity of netizen


Headlines; Comments; News; Netizen Reading Interest

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i10.640


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