EFL Speaking Classroom in Four Remote High Schools: Exploring the Impacts of EFL Teachers’ Speaking Competence to Their Speaking Instructional Practices
This study was to determine to explore the impact of EFL teachers' speaking competence on their speaking instructional practices in schools located in tourist destinations and remote areas in Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The research design was a case study conducted at four remote high schools in Bantul. Data sources included classroom observations and interviews with four English teachers. The research instruments consisted of observation checklist and guided interviews. The findings revealed that teachers' speaking competence influences their teaching speaking. The competence also influences their speaking instruction in the classroom. In conclusion, teachers who have good competence in speaking can provide impacts in the learning process. Teachers can be models of language used effectively, provide valuable feedback, optimize role-playing activities, improve students' speaking and vocabulary skills, and motivate students to be able to deliver effective instructions in their speaking process.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i1.6398
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