Effectiveness of Interval Training Method in Improving Badminton Athletes' Endurance: A Systematic Review
Background: Badminton is a sport that requires a combination of strength and agility to achieve optimal performance. Plyometric training has been proven effective in improving the physical abilities of athletes in various sports. However, more specific research is still needed on the impact of plyometric training on the strength and agility of badminton athletes. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic reflection on the effectiveness of plyometric training in increasing the strength and agility of badminton athletes. Materials and methods: This study used a systematic observation design by collecting data from relevant research articles through primary data such as PubMed, Scopus, dan Web of Science. Inclusion criteria included studies involving plyometric training and measurements of strength and agility in badminton athletes. The selection process included screening studies based on relevance and quality, and data analysis was conducted qualitatively. Results: This review found that plyometric training significantly improved badminton athletes' muscular strength and agility. Most studies showed significant improvements in vertical strength testing and reaction speed after a plyometric training program. Variations in response to training were also observed, depending on factors such as training intensity and athlete skill level. Conclusion: In summary, plyometric training has been shown to significantly enhance the strength and agility of badminton athletes. These findings provide a solid foundation for coaches and practitioners to incorporate plyometric exercises into their badminton training programs. Furthermore, this study suggests the need for further research to explore additional factors that could influence training outcomes.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i1.6396
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