Challenges and Opportunities of Implementing Personalized Instruction in Large English Classrooms: Teacher Perceptions
Personalized instruction is a critical approach in English language teaching, particularly in large classrooms, where teachers face diverse student needs. This study explores the challenges English teachers face in implementing personalized instruction at public senior high schools (SMAN) across West Lombok, Indonesia. The research adopts a qualitative approach, conducting in-depth interviews with 12 English teachers to examine their perceptions of personalized instruction. The study reveals key challenges including large student-to-teacher ratios, limited access to technological resources, and a lack of professional development opportunities. The findings suggest that overcoming these barriers requires systemic support, including better access to technology, teacher training, and classroom management strategies. This research contributes to understanding the challenges of personalized instruction in large classrooms and offers insights into ways to support teachers in adapting to individual student needs.
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