Enrichment Book Development Profile Reading Comprehension Using DRTA Strategy (Direct Reading Thinking Activity) Grade XI SMA
This study aims to explain the analysis of the needs of reading comprehension enrichment books using the DRTA (Direct Reading Thinking Activity) strategy as a research profile for developing enrichment book products. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected using interviews and distributing needs questionnaires to students and teachers. The focus of this needs analysis are lacks, needs, and wants in accordance with the theory of Nation and Macalitster. The results of the study based on the needs analysis indicate that students and teachers need reading comprehension enrichment books that are arranged with a sequential pattern of the DRTA strategy. This study is part of the initial study of the development of reading comprehension enrichment books with the DRTA strategy for grade XI high school.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v12i1.6375
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