Teacher’s and Students’ Perceptions of Project-Based Learning in Promoting Students’ Communication Skills in Vocational High School
The objectives of this study were 1) to describe teachers' perceptions of Project-Based Learning in fostering students' communication skills in Vocational High Schools and 2) to describe students' perceptions of Project-Based Learning in enhancing their communication skills in these settings. The study employed a mixed-method approach to gather quantitative and qualitative data through questionnaires and interviews. Specifically, a sequential explanatory design was used, where a quantitative survey was conducted first, followed by an exploration of qualitative data through in-depth interviews. The participants included six teachers and 86 eleventh-grade students from three vocational schools in Aceh, Indonesia, selected through purposive sampling. The results indicated that teachers and students had positive attitudes toward Project-Based Learning (PBL) and believed it could effectively enhance students' communication skills in the classroom. Teachers identified several critical benefits of PBL, including increased student engagement, opportunities for collaborative work, and the development of critical thinking and communication skills. However, they also noted challenges, such as time constraints, inadequate facilities, and the need for teachers to be more proactive and critical in their roles. From the student's perspective, the advantages of PBL included its real-world relevance, the promotion of active learning and engagement, improved collaboration skills, enhanced critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and improved presentation skills. However, students also highlighted some drawbacks, such as time constraints, limited resources, difficulties in group work, and challenges in time management. Despite some challenges, the study concluded that Project-Based Learning effectively enhanced students' communication skills in vocational high schools.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i11.6348
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