Reog Kendang Tulungagung Art as an Idea for Creating Batik Sarongs Enhanced with Augmented Reality and QR Code

Andi Irawan


The Reog Kendang Tulungagung art form has received little attention in its development and is not widely known by the public, especially outside Tulungagung Regency. Reog Kendang Tulungagung is a type of dance art in which the dancers also play the kendang musical instrument they carry. The unique visual objects in Reog Kendang art inspire the author to create motifs for technologically enhanced batik sarongs. This aims to attract public interest in batik sarong products that can be used by both men and women. This creation aims to promote Reog Kendang Tulungagung by utilizing technologically enhanced batik sarongs, specifically through Augmented Reality and QR code technology, via motif design and the application of technology to the batik sarongs. The method in this research refers to Hawkins' approach, which includes the stages of exploration, improvisation, and realization. The result of this creation is a batik sarong titled Reog Kendang Berseri, which is equipped with Augmented Reality and QR code technology. This work can serve as a reference and enrich the distinctive motifs of Tulungagung batik while contributing to the preservation of local art through batik sarongs.


Reog Kendang Tulungagung, Sarong, Augmented Reality, QR code

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