Development of Virtual Office Reality as a Transformative Learning Media for MPLB Majors to Improve 21st Century Skills

Choirul Anam, Madziatul Churiyah, Siti Nurun Chumairoh


Virtual reality (VR) has become popular as a learning medium in recent years due to its potential in increasing the effectiveness and attractiveness of cognitive processes. Virtual reality is also effective for transforming abstract, difficult, and complex concepts into concrete visual experiences. This research aims to develop Virtual Office Reality (VOR)-based learning media that combines VR and office environment simulation to create more interactive and effective learning. The developed product aims to improve 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication which are crucial for SMK students majoring in Office Management and Business Services (MPLB). The research used a modified Borg & Gall development model through five stages including initial research, product development, validation, pilot testing, and final revision. Overall, the Virtual Office Reality-based transformative learning media proved to be a feasible and effective tool for improving the 4C 21st century skills.


Virtual Office Reality; 21st Century Skills 4C; Transformative Learning

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