ICT Integration and Students’ 21st-Century Learning Skills in ELT
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become essential in developing nations in recent years, greatly influencing a number of industries, including ELT and education. However, although incorporating technology into instruction is emphasized in today's educational environment, research on how these affects students’ abilities for 21st-century learning has yielded mixed results that leads to the inconsistent information, including in Indonesia. Therefore, to address this issue, ICT integration in ELT and its impact on students' learning capabilities at SMA N 3 Yogyakarta are examined in this qualitative case study. Data from 10 grade X participants spread across five classrooms were collected through document analysis, classroom observation, and in-depth interviews. The results showed that ICT integration is common, mostly at the passive and amplification levels. Citizenship, collaboration, creativity, and communication all showed positive effects; however, critical thinking and character still need further evaluation. To get the most out of ICT and help instructors develop 21st-century abilities, effective teaching methods and frameworks are advised. It is also suggested that standardized rules and guidelines should be established for the incorporation of ICT in education.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i10.6331
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