The Urgency of Developing a Digipreneurship Handbook in This Digital Era: A Need Analysis
The use of digital tools to increase business efficiency is increasingly important amidst the rapid development of digital technology. Therefore, the concept of digipreneurship is increasingly important and relevant to study. The aim of this research is to analyze the needs of digipreneurship-based handbook. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. Data was obtained from data collection activities in the form of filling out a questionnaire regarding the desired teaching materials. The questionnaire used consists of 20 statements that are valid and reliable, of which 10 statements relate to target needs and 10 other statements about learning needs. The results of this research are that students need 1) knowledge related to digipreneurship, such as basic types, income models, examples, challenges, opportunities and businesses that are relevant to the digital era; 2) various skills such as using tools, digital business analysis, managing and retaining customers, and expanding online visibility; and 3) teaching materials that are complete and easy to carry anywhere and contain tips, practical guides and case studies.
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