Effectiveness of Oral Literature as a Local Cultural Approach in Teaching Indonesian Language and Literature in Junior High School
Responsive pedagogy can increase students' understanding of beliefs, customs, and family. This study focuses on learning the Indonesian language and literature based on local culture to implement responsive pedagogy. This study aims to (1) apply oral literature as teaching materials that have a local cultural approach to Indonesian language learning in junior high schools and (2) describe the effectiveness of the application of oral literature containing local culture on increasing students' interest in Indonesian language subjects. The method in this study is quantitative descriptive. Data were collected through online questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation, then analyzed descriptively. The object of this study is oral literature entitled "Raden Sawunggaling". This research was conducted at SMPN 29 Surabaya. The results of the study showed that (1) the application of oral literature as teaching materials that have a local cultural approach makes students more enthusiastic about learning about fictional texts and (2) students' interest in learning Indonesian increased by 2,3%.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i12.6320
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