Political Communication Counteracts Radicalism at Islamic Boarding Schools: Phenomenological Studies of Building Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin at the Miftahul Huda Islamic Boarding School in Manonjaya Tasikmalaya
Radical ideology has penetrated the world of education including boarding schools. This place of Islamic religious education which is supposed to be the vanguard of spreading the Islamic understanding Rahmatan lil alamin, is actually vulnerable to being infiltrated by a notion that promotes violence in achieving its goals. The radical notion referred to in this study is the understanding on behalf of Islam for the purpose of building a government based on the leadership of a caliph. The orientation of radicalism in this country is twofold, namely oriented to the Caliphate that has not yet been formed or in the form of discourse that was built by the Hizb ut-Tahrir group and the Caliphate which have been formed by the name of unifying Muslims who are now developing with the name ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria ) The radical notion was allegedly possessed of two Manonjaya Miftahuda Islamic Boarding Schools in Tasikmalaya, West Java.The purpose of this study was to find out and explore how radical understanding permeated these two Islamic boarding schools and how the ulema's management of Islamic boarding schools fought back, so that the santri did not follow the ideology, which was deemed heretical and endangered the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. In order to get complete data, in this study researchers conducted data collection by means of participatory observation, were involved in directly studying in the pesantren and conducted interviews with boarding school boarding, teacher reciting, school teachers in boarding schools and 4 santri in each of the pencatren. One approach to ward off radicalism in Islamic boarding schools is to invite back to Islamic teachings with the sources of the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the teachings of the generation of Salafus Saleh, so as to keep on promoting persuasion and peace as an Islamic spirit as Rahmatan lil alamin.
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