Analysis of Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability in Terms of Multiple Intelligence, Cognitive Style and Learning Style of Junior High School Students
This study aims to describe: (1) the mathematical problem-solving ability of Sleman Regency's JHS students, (2) whether there is a difference in students' mathematical problem-solving ability in terms of multiple intelligence, (3) whether there is a difference in students' mathematical problem-solving ability in terms of cognitive style, (4) whether there is a difference in students' mathematical problem-solving ability in terms of learning style, and (5) whether there is an interaction between multiple intelligences, cognitive style and learning style. The research method used is a survey method with a quantitative approach. The research population is JHS students in the 2023/2024 school year in Sleman. The sample is 434 students, determined using a stratified proportional random sampling technique. The instruments used were a mathematical problem-solving ability test, a GEFT test, a multiple intelligence questionnaire, and a learning style questionnaire. The data analysis is descriptive statistics to determine students' mathematical problem-solving ability level and inferential statistics using a three-way ANOVA test to describe students' mathematical problem-solving ability's differences in terms of multiple intelligence, cognitive style and learning style, and to describe the interaction between multiple intelligences, cognitive style and learning style. The analysis showed that: (1) the mathematical problem-solving ability average score of Sleman's JHS students is 53.49 which is in the moderate category, (2) there is no difference in students' mathematical problem-solving ability in terms of multiple intelligence, (3) there is a difference in students' mathematical problem-solving ability in terms of cognitive style, (4) there is no difference in students' mathematical problem-solving ability in terms of learning style, and (5) there is no interaction between multiple intelligence, cognitive style and learning style of students.
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