Forgotten Violence: Social and Cultural Contexts of Sibling Abuse in Afghanistan (A Case Study of Students - District 6 of Kabul)
Background and Purpose: The probability of a person being subjected to violence in the family is much higher than outside the family. The purpose of this research is to examine family violence, especially sibling violence among families in Kabul province, Afghanistan. Methodology: This research was conducted using a simple accessible sampling method with several 370 boys and girls in the families of Kabul using a researcher-made questionnaire. Findings and Conclusions: Descriptive findings show that among the families of Kabul city, physical abuse by siblings is 26.4%, psychological abuse by siblings is 26.4%, and lastly, siblings are sexually abused by 10.2%. is placed the age of the victim of sibling abuse was more than 16 years old in boys and girls (54.5%) had the highest frequency. 28% had the most sibling abuse in children 4 and later, 54.5% of Tajiks and 41.5% of early education had high levels of sibling abuse in their families. On the other hand, 37.6% of unemployed families, 36% of low-income families, 50% of parents living alone, and 54.4% of families with vehicles had more frequency of sibling abuse. Analytical findings show that the cultural and social characteristics of families, such as the level of parental education, poverty, and unemployment, have an effect on the level of violence between siblings, and students who have a lower level of family background than They told others, violence has become more prevalent among them. The results show that social factors and cultural levels within families are effective in the level of violence among children; therefore, if a society can strengthen the normative and cultural components of families through education, it can improve the health of families.
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