Implementation of the Independent Learning Curriculum in the Indonesian Language Learning Process at Vocational High Schools (SMK)

Gempar Indra Waspada, Suhardi Suhardi


The effectiveness of the educational process is shaped by both internal (individual) and external factors, with the curriculum being a key external element that significantly influences learning outcomes. This research focuses on the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum in Indonesian language instruction at vocational high schools. To evaluate its success, a descriptive quantitative approach was applied, with data collected through questionnaires distributed via Google Forms. The study targeted a population consisting of three vocational high school principals, their administrative staff, and three Indonesian language teachers. A purposive sampling method was used to select participants who were directly involved in implementing the curriculum. Microsoft Excel was utilized to analyze the data, assessing the extent of the curriculum's application and highlighting any obstacles faced during its execution. The findings of this study aim to offer meaningful insights that can assist both educators and policymakers in improving the educational process, particularly in vocational high schools. This research is crucial in understanding how the Merdeka Belajar curriculum affects the teaching of the Indonesian language and will contribute to the refinement of teaching practices and curriculum development. Key terms for this research include Merdeka Curriculum, vocational high schools, and Indonesian language teaching.


Merdeka Curriculum; Vocational High School; Indonesian Language

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