New Digital Habits: Digital Migration In Consuming Social Media Platforms Cross

Lenie Okviana, Pipit Fitriyah, Edy Prihantoro


New digital habits explore user behaviour which cross social media platforms to new patterns of communication, information, and media technologies. The Computer Mediated Communication as a theoretical study has changed in the way people communicate with one another, and it can influence communication patterns and social networks (e.g., Fulk & Collins-Jarvis, 2001). Researcher highlight in studying social interactions online, where some social media platforms have potential for content posted to spread virally over social networks. The term is an analogy to the concept of viral infections, which can spread rapidly from user to user. In a social media context, consumption contents that are "viral" (or which "go viral") are those with a greater probability that users will reshare content posted (by another user) to their social network, leading to further sharing. In some cases, posts containing popular content or fast-breaking news have been rapidly shared and reshared by a huge number of users. Many social media sites provide a specific functionality to help users reshare contents, such as Twitter's retweet button, Facebook's share option, Instagram repost. Research findings, users migrate which cross social media platforms for consumption to spread moment or information.


Media Social; Habits Digital; Migration; Computer Mediated Communication; Viral Content

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