Adaptation of Islamic Law to the fluctuationsof Marga in Power Politics

Amin Rahman, Duski Ibrahim, Muhammad Adil


The research on the adaptation of Islamic law to the clan political dynamics in the Sultanate of Palembang highlights the role of Islamic law in preserving traditional customs and its relevance to local life. Using an interpretative approach and the concept of al-‘aadahmuhakkamah, this study explores how Islamic law interacts with traditional norms in the political life of the Sultanate of Palembang. The findings indicate that the adaptation of Islamic law to clan dynamics in the Sultanate of Palembang is a complex phenomenon influenced by local traditions, politics, and selective interpretations of Islamic values. This research emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to understand the adaptation of Islamic law to the social realities in the Sultanate of Palembang. An enhanced understanding of Islamic teachings, along with participatory mechanisms in decision-making regarding power and kinship, is crucial. The role of religious leaders is vital in providing guidance that aligns with Islamic principles to maintain harmony and welfare in the Sultanate of Palembang.


Adaptation; Islamic Law; Marga; Power Politics

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